Thursday 23 July 2015

Spain creates a queue in 35 degrees heat to start testing and using the new Frontier ID and Passports egates!

35 degrees and hundreds standing for over an hour in the pedestrian queue!

We are all for the new supposedly better and more modern technology! But honestly does Spain have to choose the hottest time and days in Summer to test it?

The video is here -

They could have easily have began when the sun goes down and not like today from 3 - 7pm. The amount of people passing and in the scorching heat is just inhumane! This kind of behaviour should not go unnoticed by the Eu or UN Human Rights Watch.

As one cross frontier worker rightly states in Spanish

10 meses de obras para hacer la aduana mas transitable para que tenga que esperar 40 minutos antes de pasar por los escáneres donde por una habitación de 20 m2 por la que pasan 8000 personas me dan ganas de gritar del cuello de botella tan grande que se forma y nauseas por la falta de oxigenación .


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Pedestrian queues at the border on Thursday evening were the worst yet this summer as Spanish border authorities have begun testing the new passport e-gates during peak queueing times.
The new electronic gates are part of Spain’s commitment to reduce queues following the European Commission’s recommendations last year. Pedestrians are requested to scan EU compliant electronic passports or ID cards, their fingerprints, and use face recognition technology.
Sources have told GBC the Spanish authorities have been testing the gates for the last few days, but today they are being tested at peak times for pedestrians, leading to tailbacks which have reached back to the former airport terminal.
Pedestrians have been reporting queues of up to an hour to cross the frontier.

Another commented on social media:

And here I thought that all the new reformes down at the frontier were to provide a better faster service but here I am in a pedestrian queue stretching back to the old airport terminal small children included

One other cross worker goes on to say:

Spain hates us. And all I do is go to work in Gibraltar to bring us the practice of the entirety of the salary to spend on the Spanish economy. You have to have bad milk in madrid to order this on some of the more days hot of the year. I am sorry for the business where I normally spending the money, when this happens, I spent on money in Gibraltar and I am out later.

España nos odia. Y lo unico que hacemos es ir a trabajar a Gibraltar para despues traernos la practica totalidad del sueldo para gastarlo en la economia Española. Hay que tener mala leche en Madrid para ordenar esto en unos de los dias mas calurosos del año. Lo siento por los negocios donde normalmente me gasto el dinero, cuando pasa esto, me gasto en dinero en Gibraltar y salgo luego.


Yet Spanish Newspapers report all is up and running and working?

Really then how come people had to stand in the scorching heat for hours today while they did a test run! Can someone out there explain that they must treat people with respect and test the technology at the least inconvenient time and at the most humane time that does not have people suffering like today!

En cuanto a la Frontera Inteligente de La Línea de la Concepción, explica el ministro que, atendiendo las recomendaciones de la Unión Europea, ha sido instalada por el Gobierno de España para facilitar el tránsito de personas y vehículos a Gibraltar. Afirma que "está operando con normalidad y al cien por cien".
Detalla que "la frontera ha entrado en vigor en un plazo anterior al que España se comprometió con la UE". Explica que son 13 las cabinas instaladas en la zona perteneciente al Estado español "y está permitiendo que hayamos cubierto el compromiso adquirido con las autoridades comunitarias".
Finalmente, Fernández Díaz insiste en que su funcionamiento es "operativo al cien por cien" y en que se ha logrado "antes del plazo comprometido".
Fernández Díaz visita el sistema de Fronteras Inteligentes en Algeciras. . Se trata de un nuevo sistema implantado para agilizar el paso fronterizo de viajeros

Please we ask our UK Government to speak sense to Spanish Government to choose times when the sun is not a hazard to people standing in it - or will both governments only react when there is a death?

Remember the queues are for everyone and no-one is exempt - so workers and tourist and locals must join the same queue as that is the humane and just thing to do!

Anne-Marie Struggles

1 comment:

  1. It's time for the Spanish Government to be held accountable for its actions. Pathetic behaviour from a failed state.


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